Lhomithi Baptist Church in Collaboration with SCMI-North East Zone-II and Child Line Dimapur, organized a joint fellowship at ‘Lhomithi Baptist Church’ youth service on 11th of August 2019 at 4:30 p.m. under the theme ‘Human trafficking and HIV/AIDS’. The highlights of the program included, a drama each from both SCMI of ICFAI University and Sakus Mission College unit, basing on the theme topic respectively. A melodious sumi Folk Fusion music was also presented by the ‘Pretty Rythme ‘ band , followed by a short presentation each from Miss. Alomi and Mrs. Jolly, child line Team member on ‘Human trafficking’ and HIV/AIDS respectively. Altogether 10 student members along with the Staff Advisor of SMC Unit Miss. Limanaro HoD, Department of Education of Sakus Mission College attended the programme.