
Practice Teaching As A Part Of Community Extension Service

To expand the Students horizons and aspirations beyond the campus through the provision of enrichment activities, Practice Teaching as a part of Community extension service was conducted by the English Department of Sakus Mission College at Govt. Primary School Ward 13, Landmark Colony on 9th September 2019.

The main objective behind conducting such program is to give to the community selflessly besides boosting the confidence of the students ,to improve in their communication skills and to develop their teaching their skills .Altogether 7 English Honours Students from different classes participated. They  were given classes from Nursery to class 5 to teach from the syllabus prescribed by Nagaland Board Of School Education . After the classes were over  Stationaries and sweets were distributed to the students and  some Teaching charts were also handed over to the Head, Teacher incharge of the  school .The school has an enrolment of 81 students  with 11 trained  teachers. The team was led by Mrs Zuchano Lotha,Head of English Dept. Asst professor   and Mrs Sungjemlila Asst. Professor ,English Dept.This exercise is expected to be continued on a regular basis. The list of participants are;

  1. Lanuchuba B A 1st sem
  2. Phidhuto BA 1st sem
  3. Martin Sangma BA 1st sem
  4. Lanusama BA 1st sem
  5. Temsurenla BA 3rd sem
  6. Imlitula BA 5tht sem
  7. Mr . Lungingou BA 5th sem



Mrs. Zuchano Lotha

Head. Dept. Of English

Asst. Professor

Sakus Mission College