Students of this College shall wear College Uniforms on all College Working Days as indicated below. Students without proper uniform will not be allowed to sit in Class/Examination or any type of activities of the College.
Navy blue Skirt, Sky blue Shirt, Navy blue Tie, Navy blue Socks, Black Shoes, Navy blue Blazer/Sweater
(with college Logo) - BOYS:
Navy blue Pants, Sky blue Shirt, Navy blue Tie, Navy blue Socks, Black Shoes, Navy blue Blazer/Sweater
(with college Logo) - Wednesday & Saturday Uniform (Both Boys & Girls):
House T-Shirt, Navy-Blue Skirt/Pants, and Black Shoes, Navy- Blue Socks.
* Students with improper Uniform will be sent out of the Class and marked absent.
- The students must attend their classes regularly and punctually. Complete silence and disciplinary conduct must be observed in the Classroom as well as in the entire campus of the Institution.
- The NBSE and Nagaland University (NU) forbid student to sit/appear NBSE/NU examinations unless minimum Class attendance of 80% (NBSE/NU) is attained by the concerned student within an academic year (NBSE) & End Semester (NU). The same will be applied in the promotion/selection examinations (NBSE) of this College too. Such delinquent student cannot put up his/her case for consideration when debarred from appearing any examinations.
- Students must show regards to their fellow student, College authority and College Staff.
- Spitting, use of tobacco and its products, restricted drugs, alcohol & smoking, etc. within the College premises is strictly prohibited. Defaulter will be liable to expulsion.
- No Students’ Union or Association (except SMCSU) in any form shall be allowed to organize without the prior approval of the College authority.
- No student shall participate in any activity in the name of the College other than those sponsored by the College or without prior permission of the College authority.
- No fiscal transactions are done without or in absence of his/her Identity Card of the concerned student. Any authorization letter must be duly authenticated by a Dimapurian Gazetted Officer with his/her Official Seal/Stamp where the authorized person’s signature also should be attested simultaneously.
- On the loss and subsequent issued of the College Identity Card, the student shall have to pay double the original cost of the card which will be issued on submission of an application for the same.
- The college authority reserves the right to impose fine, suspend or expel any student whose general conduct is considered to be prejudicial to the interest of the college.
- Writing on the White Board, walls, scratching on desk, table etc. by students is strictly prohibited. Any damage done to the College property by a student will have to be compensated by the concerned student.
- Standard of life: Students are expected to exercise self-control and discipline to develop high spiritual, mental and social values.
- Students must clear their fees before terminal/selection/ final exams respectively. Defaulters will be debarred from writing the exams.
- No collection of fund by the Students for any purpose/Function will be allowed without prior approval from the College Authority.
- Parents and guardians are encouraged to meet the Principal and his/her Staff periodically or as often as possible to determine their wards progress.
- If a student fails to attend even a single period without prior approval (out of the seven periods in a day) he/she will be treated as absent for the whole day.
- If a student fails to attend classes for three consecutive days without prior permission he/she will not be allowed to sit in the class.
- Attendance will be assessed monthly. Those students who fail to reach the required percentage will be issued Transfer Certificate (T.C.).
- No leave will be granted without Medical Certificate issued by a competent Doctor duly forwarded by his/her parents or guardians.
- After completion of a vacation, students should join the class right from the first day of re-opening of classes failing which, the erring student will have to pay late fine of rupees one hundred if no leave application with Medical Certificate duly documented by the Parent is s ubmitted during the joining day of Class. However, after ten days of such absence the name of the student(s) will be struck off from the College Register.