
Sakus Mission College Observes ‘International Biodiversity Day’ 2021

Student Christian Movement of India of Sakus Mission College Unit observed virtual ‘International Biodiversity Day’ on 22nd of May, 2021 with Dr. Arenla Aier, Principal SMC as the resource person under the theme ‘We are part of the solutions’.

 Speaking on the occasion, the speaker reiterated about the past history of how our ancestors maintained and protected a balanced existence between the triangle chains that is ‘God, Nature and Human’. Basing on the theme, she reminded the audience that the solution that is in nature is ‘You and me’. Hence, each individual is equally responsible to be a messenger in protecting our mother earth and start working towards solving problems, and destruction made by human amicably. She also lamented that, everybody knows the benefits that we get from the nature, aware of the pros and cons, but are complacent and least bothered about our responsibilities in our era unlike the olden days. And so, she fervently urged the members present to start finding a solution in whatever little ways we can from where we are sitting and do something that would impact our community.

As a concluding remark, she stated that we should consider everyday as Biodiversity day, so as to take care of the nature and environment. Besides, we must always remember two essence of the significance of the occasion- the ‘Utility of nature’ and the ‘Intrinsic value inherent in nature’. Along with this International event, induction of new executives of SCMI was held. Ms. Bendangnaro of B.A-4th Semester chaired the dual programme. Introduction of executives and special prayer for the outgoing senior members and the newly inducted executives for the term (2021-2022) was offered by Ms. Limanaro, Staff Advisor. A note of gratitude was delivered by Ms. Tolly Program Secretary (NEI-Zone 2). Mr.Nokang and Ms. Yekjai of B.A-6th Semester shared their experiences in SCMI on behalf of the outgoing members. Overall the virtual program was an enlightening and blessing moment for all the participants. Altogether 42 member participants were greatly enriched by this meaningful, thought provoking webinar session.



Ms. Limanaro,

Staff Advisor, SCMI.