
Eco Club organizes World Water Day 22ndMarch

Theme 2021
“Valuing Water”

The theme of World Water Day 2021 is Valuing Water and a core focus of World Water Day is to support the achievement of Sustainable Development Goal : water and sanitation for all by year 2030.

Considering the SOP due to Covid pandemic, faculty and student members could not participate in any outside activity but to help spread the value of water, Eco Club held a short programme in the college auditorium and a documentary based on India’s water crisis was shown to the students of 2nd and 4th semesters, with the motive to help understand the reality of water problem within India. Following the documentary, some thought provoking questions was raised for the student community to ponder upon and also with the definite message that each one has the duty to do something to end this crisis.

Altogether 2 Faculty and 72 students participated in this programme.